
1 - 20 of 21

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: '林光',
  ID Date Title Company Organizer
1 PROD-11764 2001/6/16
Gauche the Cellist
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 飯山市芸術文化協会
2 PROD-04498 2010/6/26
Gauche the Cellist
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: (財)伊南子ども劇場, 駒ヶ根市文化会館
3 PROD-07071 2007/12/15
Gauche the Cellist
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Matsumoto City Education and Cultre Foundation
4 PROD-12161 2000/10/25
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Nagano Seisen Jogakuin High School
5 PROD-13087 1997/11/29
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Naganoken Kenmin Bunka Kaikan
6 PROD-20298 2021/11/12-12/23
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Anpachi Town Namori Elementary School, Gujo City Aioi Elementary School, Nisshin City Higashi Elementary School, Gifu City Shokaku Elementary School, Minami-Chita Town Himaka Elementary School, Gifu City Atsumi Elementary School, Kamakura City Fukasawa Elementary School, Suzaka City Koyama Elementary School, Nagano City Naganuma Elementary School, Hiaratsuka City Toyoda Elementary School
7 PROD-10950 2002/11/23
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: (財)塩尻市文化振興事業団
8 PROD-03029 2013/11/23
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: (一財)松本市芸術文化財団, Matsumotodaira Town Joho
9 PROD-03430 2012/10/1
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Nagano Prefecture Matsumotofukashi High School
10 PROD-03441 2012/9/29
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza, Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre
11 PROD-08976 2015/12/3
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Chino Cultural Complex
12 PROD-08977 2015/12/4
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Chino Cultural Complex
13 PROD-08984 2015/12/19
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza
14 PROD-05663 2008/2/26-3/21
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Gifu Prefectural Board of Education, Seki City Board of Educaiton, Seki City Mugihigashi Elementary School, Shizuoka City Board of Education, Shizuoka City Shimizumiho Daini Elementary School, Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education, Hino City Board of Education, Hino City Yumegaoka Elementary School, Nagano Prefectural Board of Education, Saku City Board of Education, Saku City Kirihara Junior School, Okaya City Board of Education, Okaya City Uenohara Elementary School, Nagoya City Board of Education, Nagoya City Kojo Elementary School, Ogaki Board of Education, Ogaki City Sunomata Elementary School, Kanagawa Prefectural Board of Education, Sagamihara City Board of Education, Sagamihara City Oshima Elementary School, Sagamihara City Nakano Elementary School, Shizuoka City Matsuno Elementary School, Shizuoka Prefectural Board of Education, Fukuroi City Board of Education, Fukuroi City Asahanekita Elementary School, Aichi Prefectural Board of Education, Inazawa City Board of Education, Inazawa City Inazawanishi Elementary School, Yoro Town Board of Education, Yoro Town Ikebe Elementary School, Yokohama City Board of Education, Yokohama City Azamino daiichi Elementary School
15 PROD-06640 2007/11/12
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Nagano Prefectural Board of Education, Fujimi Town Board of Education
16 PROD-09531 2005/12/23
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Matsumoto City Education and Cultre Foundation
17 PROD-07576 2014/10/25
12 Months and a Girl
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Nagano City Board of Education
18 PROD-16578 1990/1/21
Tukiyo to megane / Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: Niji no kai Organizer:
19 PROD-11955 2000/2/13
Shima hiki oni / Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: Niji no kai Organizer: Niji no kai
20 PROD-16579 1991/1/27
Kappa tan / Okon joururi
Company: Niji no kai Organizer:
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