
1 - 20 of 67

for search

: '林光',
  ID Date Title Company Organizer
1 PROD-12014 2000/3/7
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 西大寺子ども劇場
2 PROD-12016 2000/3/8
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 津山子ども劇場
3 PROD-12017 2000/3/9
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 鳥取おやこ劇場
4 PROD-12018 2000/3/10
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 倉吉おや子劇場
5 PROD-12019 2000/3/11
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 米子こども劇場
6 PROD-12020 2000/3/12
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 境港親と子どもの劇場
7 PROD-12030 2000/3/15-17
Gauche the Cellist
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 岡山市子ども劇場岡山県センター
8 PROD-12450 1999/10/23
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: 野薔薔座 Organizer: 野薔薔座
9 PROD-12732 1998/4/26
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 山口おやこ劇場
10 PROD-12734 1998/4/27
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 蓮華子ども劇場
11 PROD-19786 1982/10/1
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: 二期会中・四国支部 Organizer:
12 PROD-19790 1986/10/12
Ukare no Hyoroku hataoriuta
Company: 中国二期会 Organizer:
13 PROD-19791 1988/2/14
Ukare no Hyoroku hataoriuta
Company: 中国二期会 Organizer: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Okayama Prefectural Board of Education, Bizen City Board of Education, 中国二期会
14 PROD-11283 2003/10/11
Inu no adauchi aruiwa Kira no ketsudan
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Hiroshima City Culture Foundation, 広島市東区民文化センター
15 PROD-11761 2001/3/10
Gauche the Cellist
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: こんにゃく座福山・笠岡後援会
16 PROD-11762 2001/3/13
Gauche the Cellist
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: 広島市東区民文化センター
17 PROD-02281 2012/9/1-2
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: Nobaraza Organizer: Nobaraza
18 PROD-04872 2007/9/26-2008/3/13
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: Tokyo Choral Society Organizer: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Kochi Prefectural Board of Education, Shimanto City Board of Education, Shimanto City Nakamuranishi Elementary School, Ehime Prefecture, Ehime Prefectural Board of Education, Kihoku Town Board of Education, Kihoku Town Izumi Elementary School, Kagawa Prefecture, Sakaide City Hayashida Elementary School, Mitoyo City Yoshizu Elementary School, Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education, Miyoshi City Board of Education, MIyoshi City Kisa Junior High School, Yamaguchi Prefectural Board of Education, Yamaguchi City Board of Education, yamaguchi City Yuda Junior High School
19 PROD-04942 2009/3/8
Gauche the Cellist
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: Fukuyama City Kannabe Cultural Promotion Agency, Fukuyama City Kannabe Culture Hall
20 PROD-05600 2009/3/7
Gauche the Cellist
Company: The Opera Theater Konnyakuza Organizer: うたくらぶ
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