
1 - 16 of 16

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: '林光',
  ID Date Title Company Organizer
1 PROD-20806 1978/12/20
The Medium / Hadaka no osama
Company: 宇都宮声楽研究会 Organizer: 宇都宮声楽研究会
2 PROD-13232 1995/1/21
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime / Amahl and the Night Visitors
Company: Nagoya-Nikikai Association Organizer: Nagoya-Nikikai Association
3 PROD-13418 1995/5/20
The Old Maid and the Thief / Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: 京都オペラグループ Organizer: 小浜市文芸協会
4 PROD-15573 2017/11/4-5
Amelia al ballo / Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: 昭和音楽大学オペラ研究会 Organizer: 昭和音楽大学オペラ研究会
5 PROD-19509 1987/7/23-24
Amanjyaku to Urikohime / The Medium
Company: Nagoya-Nikikai Association Organizer: Nagoya-Nikikai Association
6 PROD-20644 1989/7/20
The Telephone / Amanjaku to Uriko hime
Company: 加古川市民オペラグループ Organizer: 加古川勤労者音楽協議会
7 PROD-20662 1973/7/9
Amanjaku to Urikohime / Amelia Goes to the Ball
Company: 京都オペラグループ Organizer:
8 PROD-20824 1988/11/19
Amanjaku to Uriko hime / Amahl and the Night Visitors
Company: 宇都宮声楽研究会 Organizer: 栃木県オペラ協会, 宇都宮声楽研究会
9 PROD-21309 2022/2/3
Amanjaku to Uriko-hime / Amahl and the Night Visitors
Company: Kyoto City University of Arts Faculty of Music Organizer: Kyoto City University of Arts
10 PROD-22087 1983/12/3
Amanjaku to Uriko hime / Amahl and the Night Visitors
Company: Nihon Opera Kyokai, The Fujiwara Opera Organizer:
11 PROD-20827 1970/12/2-3
Amanjyaku to Uriko hime / Amahl and the Night Visitors
Company: Nikikai Kansai Shibu(Branch) Organizer: Nikikai Kansai Shibu(Branch)
12 PROD-19491 1976/12/24
Amahl and the Night Visitors / Amanjaku to Uriko-hime
Company: 二期会名古屋支部 Organizer:
13 PROD-17142 1985/10/31-11/1
Okon joruri / Amahl and the Night Visitors
Company: 四国二期会香川支部 Organizer: 四国二期会香川支部
14 PROD-19501 1982/12/9-10
The Telephone / Okon joruri
Company: Nagoya-Nikikai Association Organizer: Nagoya-Nikikai Association
15 PROD-19592 1979/4/27
Company: Organizer:
16 PROD-15509 1956/5/7
Bastien und Bastienne / The Telephone
Company: Organizer:
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